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  • Track: RaiseMe Channel: Friday 10/08 @ 1430-1525 PDT

Finding a role in cybersecurity is hard enough on its own, but how do you stand out in a crowded marketplace. By leveraging your unique skills, experiences, hobbies and interests you can show companies you are more than just a {insert cert title} qualified {insert job title}. Recruiters and HR departments can cast a wide net looking for hard skills, but how are you leveraging your soft skills? Are you showing that you can fit the company culture, vision or goals?

Christopher Elliot is the Director, Corporate Security and Security Operations for SoFi. His “Forrest Gump-like” career has led him to spending 23 years in the Army, in prestigious units like 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment- Delta, NATO and the NSA. His time in Army also kept him in Iraq and Afghanistan...

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