Call For Papers

Submit a Talk or Workshop

ShellCon is a security conference. As such, presentations should focus on topics that are relevant and useful to security practitioners. When selecting talks, special emphasis will be placed on those that teach skills, concepts, tools, or techniques that the audience can put to use immediately. Talks for the main speaker track should focus on topics that teach the audience how to do their job better. RaiseMe talks should help the audience get a job in infosec or advance their career. To put it very simply, the main speaker track is “how to do the job” whereas RaisMe is “how to get the job.”

Multiple submissions from the same person are welcome! Multiple presenters for one talk are also welcome.

Submission guidelines:

Titles should be indicative of the content of the talk. If you have a super clever title that doesn’t necessarily describe the content but is just too good to pass up, please provide a secondary title either in () after the main title or in the Notes for the Organizer section (see below).

Abstract is the description as it will be published on the schedule and website. It should be short, to the point, and give a good idea of what you’ll be covering.

Notes This is a non-public field, meaning that it won’t be published. This is where you can provide the selection committee with any additional details about your talk that will help convince us that your talk should be placed on the conference schedule. Good things to include here are:

  • A more detailed outline of your talk
  • Why you feel that this talk is beneficial to the security professionals who will be attending the conference
  • Links to videos of previous talks you’ve given (it’s okay if you’ve presented the same topic previously)

Audience Takeaways is for you to tell us what the audience will take away from this talk. It should highlight the information, techniques, ideas, skills, etc. that the audience will gain and be able to put to immediate use.

Talks which sound like an advertisement for a product or service will not be accepted.

Submit a Talk or Workshop

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