All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-0700).

  • Track: Main Channel: Saturday 10/09 @ 1300-1355 PDT
  • Slides

In this presentation, we’ll share the basics of dev-focused tools and tech, and their security implications. You may never have to create a CI/CD pipeline or serverless function, but we’ll help you understand what it is, how it’s used in the real world, and how it can be compromised. So many buzzwords, so little time!

Cassandra is a Senior Scientist at Security Risk Advisors, focusing on Cloud Security architecture and engineering. She’s a Masters student in Computer Science, with research on serverless/microservices security, cloud-based app development, and privacy & anonymity technologies. She is also one of the directors of Blue Team Village.

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Evan Perotti is a Lead Scientist at Security Risk Advisors ( that specializes in offensive security operations.

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Jonn is a Lead Scientist at Security Risk Advisors (SRA), focusing on appsec, secure development, cloud architecture, and containerization. While Python was his first love, Golang has become a recent mistress. He also runs a Kubernetes cluster at home, because yes: masochism is alive and well.

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